buy nothing day, conceived by the people behind adbusters, takes place today & tomorrow, internationally.
here's an example of an adbusters BND public service announcement, a psa they've had trouble buying commercial time for on american television (surprise, surprise!)...
all of this got me thinking about the powerful & adept documentary, the corporation (2003). it's from the makers of manufacturing consent: noam chomsky & the media. check this...
you might wanna add the corporation to your netflix queues or something...
turn on, tune in, drop out.
Adbusters co-opted the idea from a local scenester, comic book artist guy named Ted Dave. He was the inventor of the concept. Adbusters promoted it, and now suddenly, it has become their idea. It's not true. They ran with it, but anyone from Vancouver who has been here for 14 years knows who really came up with the idea. I wish more would give him props, but he doensnt' demand it so....that's the story.
I forgot and just bought something..oops
well here's to ted dave! thanks for the background!
A guy after my own heart. I just bought that DVD a month ago.
better than today!
let me know if you ever wanna chat about it, ms. r. :)
Oh, I'm incapable of having any sort of intelligent conversation, but if you want to talk about how pretty butterflies are, I can do that.
yay for ted dave.
thanks for posting this ted!!!!
Hey, Freaky! I finally found you.
It's true. About Ted Dave.
More proof, as if we needed it, that the comic book store is the first place you should check out in any town.
Buy Nothing Day is my favorite holiday, in my favorite season, National Novel Writing Month.
Blogs are fun even though they take over your life. : )
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